Planning Process

The process started with the Board of Visitors retreat in Colorado in the fall of 2017; externally facilitated discussions primarily about brand essence led to revisions of the vision and mission statements; follow on facilitated discussions with the BoV occurred later that fall; two facilitated discussions with faculty and staff took place in the spring of 2018. This process led to a draft brand essence for the college including a draft vision statement. This draft was used as input into the strategic planning process that was reinitiated in early 2020 in a meeting with the Strategic Planning Steering committee, where broad strategic ideas were floated and additional strategic initiatives were discussed. A document was created in that meeting that formed the basis for four facilitated community town halls with faculty, staff, and two external Bov/alumni boards, and followed in each case by survey instruments distributed to faculty, staff, external Bov/Alumni boards, and student leaders in spring of 2020. Since that time, we have engaged stakeholders from the Smeal Community to contribute to the planning process. Most recently, we presented this information in a Smeal Community Zoom, met with the Strategic Planning Steering Committee, and held a strategic plan town hall for all faculty and staff.

Personnel and constituents included in the planning process

The College created a Strategic Planning Steering Committee comprising the following members:
Professors Kim Cornaggia, Keith Crocker, Don Hambrick, Terry Harrison, Meg Meloy, and Vilmos Misangyi, as well as Professor and Senior Associate Dean Steve Huddart. The planning process is led by Dean Whiteman and Assistant Dean for Administration Rebecca Cianci.

Publicity for the plan

The plan will be posted on the Smeal College of Business website and will be communicated via email to the faculty and staff. Smeal is initiating a brand essence campaign that will feature elements of the plan.

Plan Approved By

Dean Whiteman