Goal 6 - Strengthen the Smeal Brand
Further develop the strong Smeal brand to raise awareness and understanding of the College’s excellence as well as preference, engagement and advocacy for the college on the part of the prospective students, current college students, alumni, recruiters, and other business educators.
6.1: Branding efforts and exercises
Execution of the branding efforts and exercises.
Key Performance Indicator(s)
Enhancement of a clear brand strategy for the Smeal College of Business.
Penn State Foundations
- F0- No Foundation Connection
Penn State Thematic Priorities
- No Associated Thematic Priority Connection
Penn State Supporting Elements
- CO3 - Promote Contributions Through Strategic Communication
Strategic Plan (2020 - 2025) - Business, Smeal College of
- Strengthen the Smeal brand
6.2: Advance CRM capabilities
Advance College CRM capabilities to achieve strong constituent relationships and increase engagement with current students, prospective students, alumni, recruiters.
Key Performance Indicator(s)
Increased engagement and alignment across constituents.
Penn State Foundations
- F2 - Engaging Our Students
Penn State Thematic Priorities
- TE3 - Support And Empower Our Outstanding Faculty And Staff
- No Associated Thematic Priority Connection
Penn State Supporting Elements
- OP3 - Develop A Culture Of Academic Business Modeling To Support Innovation
- CO3 - Promote Contributions Through Strategic Communication
Strategic Plan (2020 - 2025) - Business, Smeal College of
- Strengthen the Smeal brand