Real Estate Ph.D. Placements

Smeal College of Business Real Estate PhD student placements

Below is a listing of recent student placements for Real Estate

Recent Graduate Dissertation Topics and Placement Record
Logo Placement Information
Logo for National University of Singapore.

Liu Ee Chia - National University of Singapore
Essays on Environmental Risks, Credit Constraints, and Housing Markets
Real Estate, 2025
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Brent Ambrose 

Logo for Virginia Tech.

Xue Xiao - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Essays on Commercial Real Estate
Real Estate, 2023
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Brent Ambrose 

 Logo for the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Yifan Chen - University of Hawaii at Manoa
Essays on Housing Prices
Real Estate, 2022
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Brent Ambrose 


 Logo for Cornell University.

Max Valentin - Cornell University
Essays on the deductibility of housing expenses
Real Estate, 2022
Thesis Advisors: Dr. Brent Ambrose and Dr. Jiro Yoshida


 Logo for Florida International University. Mark Thibodeau - Florida International University
Mortgage Servicers and Housing Externalities
Real Estate, 2019
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Brent Ambrose
Logo for the University of Illinois at Chicago
Luis Lopez - University of Illinois Chicago
Essays on Brokers, Financial Intermediaries, and Securitized Mortgages
Real Estate, 2019
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Brent Ambrose
 Logo for University of Mississippi. Sergio Garate - University of Mississippi
Essays on Reputation and Capital Expenditure in Real Estate
Real Estate, 2018
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Brent Ambrose
Thao Le - Georgia State University
Essays on the Role of Soft Data and Spillover Effects in Real Estate
Real Estate, 2017
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Brent Ambrose and Dr. Keith Crocker
Walter D'Lima - University of Notre Dame
Essays on Economic Incentives in Real Estate
Real Estate, 2016
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Brent Ambrose and Dr. Ed Coulson
Yannan Shen - Clemson University
Role of Information in the Real Estate Market: The Case of Fracking Boom
Real Estate, 2016
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Brent Ambrose
James Conklin - Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia
Three Essays on the Subprime Mortgage Market
Real Estate, 2014
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Brent Ambrose
Moussa Diop - University of Wisconsin - Madison
Real Estate, Industry Structure and Shareholder Value
Real Estate, 2013
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Brent Ambrose
Sun Young Park - Korea Insurance Research Institute
Essays on Market Frictions in the Real Estate Market
Real Estate, 2012
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Brent Ambrose
Xun Bian - Longwood University
Information Asymmetry and Residential Mortgage Choices
Real Estate, 2011
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Brent Ambrose
Nuriddin Ikromov - California State University - Sacramento
Real Estate, 2008
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Abdullah Yavas
Chow Yuen Leng - National University of Singapore
Real Estate, 2008
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Abdullah Yavas
Zhiyi Wu - University of Alabama
Real Estate, 2006
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Abdullah Yavas
Yan Chang - Freddie Mac
Real Estate, 2006
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Abdullah Yavas
Lynne Fisher - Washington State University
Real Estate, 2002
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Austin Jaffe
  Roger Brown - IMOJIM Investments
Real Estate, 2000
Tom Geurts - California State University
Real Estate, 1998
Xiaohui (Shiawee) Yang - Northeastern University
Real Estate, 1995

 *Please note, placements are within one year of graduation.

*Please note, all academic placements are tenure track unless an alternate job title is provided