Marketing Ph.D. Placements

Recent Marketing Ph.D. Placements

Many excellent Ph.D. students have graduated from our program over the years and have obtained jobs at high level universities. Some recent examples include:

Recent Placement Records
Logo Placement Information
Logo for Kuwait University. 

Dalal AlQadeeri - Kuwait University

Essays on Technology Commercialization in Business Markets, 2025

Dissertation Advisor: Stefan Wuyts

Logo for University of Alabama. 

Tongyao Shen - University of Alabama

Essays on Integrating Voice, Text, and Virtual Reality for Marketing Insights, 2025

Dissertation Advisor: Min Ding

Logo for Texas Tech University. 

Nate Allred - Texas Tech University

Actions in the Shadows: The Influence of Conspiracy Theory Endorsement on Consumer Decision-Making
Marketing, 2023

Dissertation Advisor: Lisa Bolton

Logo for Brigham Young University. 

Benjamin Beck - Brigham Young University

Cutting through the noise while maintaining a privacy-first focus; enabling marketers to understand the customer journey and improve online trust.
Marketing, 2023

Dissertation Advisor: J. Andrew Petersen 

Logo for Oregon State University. 

Franziska Schmid - Oregon State University 

Essays on Stakeholder Networks
Marketing, 2022

Dissertation Advisor: J. Andrew Petersen 

Logo for University of Kentucky. 

Felix (Haiyue) Xu - University of Kentucky

Consumer Response to Marketplace Practices: A Moral Perspective
Marketing, 2022

Dissertation Advisor: Lisa Bolton

Logo for Northeastern University.

Mayank Nagpal - Northeastern University

Keyword Selection Strategies in Search Engine Optimization: How Relevant is Relevance?
Marketing, 2021

Dissertation Advisor: J. Andrew Petersen

Logo for Kennesaw State University.

Yifan Zhang - Kennesaw State University

Marketing Analytics Model in the New Data Era
Marketing, 2020
Dissertation Advisors: Duncan Fong and Arvind Rangaswamy

Logo for University Nebraska-Lincoln.

Qian Chen - University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Network Models and Statistical Learning Methods to Study Customer Heterogeneity With Complex Marketing Data 
Marketing, 2020
Dissertation Advisors: Waybe DeSarbo and Duncan Fong

Logo for Texas Christian University.

Gretchen Wilroy Ross - Texas Christian University

Preference Shifts After Loss
Marketing, 2020
Dissertation Advisor: Margaret Meloy 

 Portrait of New Paltz.

Gabriel Gonzales - SUNY New Paltz

Fair Prices and Profits Across Channels
Marketing, 2019
Dissertation Advisors: Lisa Bolton and Margaret Meloy

Logo for University of Guelph.

Amirali Kani - University of Guelph

Modeling Competitive Group Dynamics: A Bayesian Hidden Markov Model Approach
Marketing, 2018
Dissertation Advisors: Wayne Desarbo and Duncan Fong

Logo for University of Deleware.

Andong Cheng - University of Delaware

The Picky Consumer
Marketing, 2017
Dissertation Advisor: Margaret Meloy

Portrait of University of South Carolina

Manpreet Gill - University of South Carolina

Essays on the Causal Analysis of Strategic Marketing Actions
Marketing, 2017
Dissertation Advisors: Min Ding and Shrihari Shridar

Logo of University of St. Thomas.

Ashley Stadler Blank - University of St. Thomas

Putting a Price on Participation: The Role of Consumer Costs and Benefits
Marketing, 2016
Dissertation Advisor: Lisa Bolton

Logo for University of Nebraska.

Huanhaun Shi - University of Lincoln-Nebraska

Essays on Causal Analysis of Strategic Marketing Decisions
Marketing, 2016
Dissertation Advisors: Rajdeep Grewal and Shrihari Shridar

Logo of University of Victoria.

Zhi Lu - University of Victoria

How Does Organizational Power Affect Organization Perceptions?
Marketing, 2016
Dissertation Advisor: Lisa Bolton

Logo of University of Nebraska.

Jamie Hyodo - University of Lincoln-Nebraska

The Multiple Facets of Gratitude: Exploring the Effects of Salvation, Serendipitous and Serene Gratitude on Consumer Behavior
Marketing, 2016
Dissertation Advisors: Margaret Meloy and Karen Winterich

Logo of Iowa State University.

Aditya Gupta - Iowa State University

Implications of Organizational Political Ideology for Firm’s Market and Non-Market Behavior
Marketing, 2015
Dissertation Advisors: Rajdeep Grewal and Gary Lilien 

Logo for University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

Charles Kang - University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Doing Good, Doing Bad, and Doing Well: Dynamic Effectiveness of Sustainability Strategy
Marketing, 2015
Dissertation Advisor: Rajdeep Grewal

Logo of University of Texas, San Antonio.

Sae Rom Lee - University of Texas at San Antonio

The Role of Ideals and Morality in Consumer Decisions
Marketing, 2014
Dissertation Advisors: Hans Baumgartner and Karen Winterich

Logo of Arizona State University.

Sunghoon Kim - Arizona State University

A New Class of Bayesian Segmentation Methods for Deriving the Heterogeneous Drivers of Service Quality Evaluations
Marketing, 2014
Dissertation Advisors: Wayne DeSarbo and Duncan Fong

Logo of Fudan University.

Li Xiao - Fudan University

Essays on Customer Preference Measurement
Marketing, 2013
Dissertation Advisor: Min Ding

Logo of Erasmus University.

Chen Zhou - Erasmus University

Empirical Models for Organizational Service Quality Decisions
Marketing, 2013
Dissertation Advisor: Rajdeep Grewal

Logo of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).

Hye-Jin Kim - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Essays in Consumer Preference Measurement
Marketing, 2013
Dissertation Advisor: Min Ding

Logo of University of Kentucky.

Aaron Garvey - University of Kentucky

How Consumer Goal Characteristics Determine the Influence of Goal Progress on Goal Perseverance
Marketing, 2012
Dissertation Advisor: Lisa Bolton

Logo of University of Notre Dame.

Frank Germann - University of Notre Dame

Essays on Marketing's Role During Firm Crises
Marketing, 2012
Dissertation Advisor: Rajdeep Grewal

Logo of Georgia State University.

Alok Saboo - Georgia State University

Modeling Strategic Issues for IPO Forms
Marketing, 2012
Dissertation Advisor: Rajdeep Grewal

Logo of Georgetown University.

Simon Blanchard - Georgetown University

A Methodology For Identifying Unobserved Categories when Consumers Assign Brands to Multiple Categories
Marketing, 2011
Dissertation Advisors: Wayne DeSarbo and Margaret Meloy

Logo of City University of New York, Baruch College.

Mahima Hada - City University's Baruch College

Referral Equity and Referral Management: Essays on the Supplier Firm's Perspective of Referrals
Marketing, 2011
Dissertation Advisors: Rajdeep Grewal and Gary Lilien

Logo for Creighton.

Bryan Johnson - Creighton University

Social Capital in the Marketplace: The Implications of Using Social Relationships for Consumption Purposes
Marketing, 2010
Dissertation Advisor: Bill Ross

Logo for Georgia.

Anindita Chakravarthy - University of Georgia

Stock Market's Influence on Marketing and R&D Budgets: Implications for Short and Long Term Firm Performance
Marketing, 2010
Dissertation Advisor: Rajdeep Grewal

 Logo for Connecticut.

Kunter Gunasti - University of Connecticut

The Effects of Product Experiences on Attitudes Toward the Brand, a Product's Country of Origin and Competitor Brands
Marketing, 2009
Dissertation Advisor: Hans Baumgartner

Our students frequently publish in top marketing journals with faculty members during and after they have completed their Ph.D.

*Please note, placements are within one year of graduation.

*Please note, all academic placements are tenure track unless an alternate job title is provided