Supply Chain Leadership Academy Virtual Sprints

CSCR patrons receive four prepaid seats per sprint for this virtual professional development opportunity. Bi-monthly virtual sprints include daily independent online lessons in each of the first four days, ending with a live capstone event on the final day.

Virtual sprints are a convenient self-development staple of the Center for Supply Chain Research® (CSCR®), serving as catalysts of active participation in lifelong learning opportunities. The bi-monthly Supply Chain Leadership Academy offerings endorse these “virtual sprints” in partnership with CorpU (A Udemy Company) aiming to spread self-development tools including:

  • Structured dialogue
  • Private reflection
  • Deliberate practice and application of learned concepts
  • Evolving desire to grow and increase knowledge

Learn more about the Supply Chain Academy Program, including information about sprint structure and sample daily agendas.

Sprint Schedule and Access

Our patrons will receive access to Supply Chain Leadership Academy virtual sprint offerings twice per month, with four slots per virtual sprint. Additional slots can be purchased for $199 each.

  • Sprints are a one-week virtual learning experience
  • Assigned on-demand education activities (30 minutes) Monday through Thursday
  • Concludes with a virtual live discussion with faculty experts (60 minutes) on Friday

Program Content

Supporters will receive monthly email invitations containing information about upcoming sprints and how to register. View the 2025 Virtual Sprint Schedule to take advantage of these opportunities! 

You can also take advantage of Penn State Executive Programs open enrollment courses at a discounted rate. For additional information, please contact